At the Adar Success Academy our desire is the help dental professions learn “effective” thinking and attain exceptional levels by learning proven systems and processes that will make your business more predictable and your life easier. We believe that communication skills are #1 when dealing with your patients and staff. All of these are vital to success but are not taught in dental or technician school
Although we do teach skills at the Adar Academy, skills alone don’t guarantee success. You can be the most skillful person on the planet and if you don’t know how to communicate that, it makes no difference in your life.
These classes are designed to include the entire dental team, because we believe that everyone on your team should have the same end goals in mind. Whether you are a dentist, assistant, administrator, or technician, you can benefit from the information taught at The Adar Success Academy.
Some thought provoking videos:
- Fear Video
- Accreditation video
- Interesting Qs for 2013 (repurposed for 2014)
Questions About the Academy
Who comes to the Adar Success Academy?
- People who enjoy learning in a friendly and comfortable environment
- Those who wish to stay up to date on new materials and procedures
- Those who enjoy “Effective Thinking”
- Those who enjoy small classes for interactive learning
- Those who always want to excel in the service they provide for their patients/clients
Who will benefit from the Adar Academy?
…feeling stuck in a rut and wanting a more rewarding practice.
…needing a more energized and committed staff.
…wanting a greater cash flow.
…working in seclusion and not exposed to professional growth strategies.
…desiring more market share.
…uncertain of the future.
Dental Assistants and Hygienists…
…worried about professional advancement
…feeling like they are easily replaced.
…curious about other options.
…frustrated with “paper pushing.”
…afraid of being in a dead end job.
…wanting more patient acceptance of their treatment plans.
EACH ONE OF THESE feelings, desires, and needs can be met and resolved through the personal achievement attained at the Adar Academy. It’s not about changing jobs; it’s about changing minds.
You'll learn How To
- Let your patients market your practice effectively
- Improve your verbal communication
- Build upon your existing skills
- Learn new skills
- Learn new materials and what cases they are good for
- Change your thinking, change your business

What an honor to be on the cover of the magazine “Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry” of the leading cosmetic organization in the world! This article is a couple years old, but mediocrity is still something that we fight everyday in dentistry.
-Pinhar Adar
Classes and lectures can only take you so far in your journey to become extraordinary. Sometimes you need hands-on personal training and guidance to achieve your goals. That’s why Pinhas Adar has instituted one-on-one and limited size group courses.
These courses and mentoring programs are not lectures you simply listen to. You’re shoulder to shoulder with Pinhas as well as other instructors as you are guided and instructed to excellence.
Covering subjects indispensable for the success of dentists and technicians and their team, in most instances your real cases are used for learning in this concentrated environment.
Only professionals serious about personal and professional growth and success should attempt to participate in these courses.
These exclusive courses and workshops are fully accredited for Continuing Education credits through these professional organizations:
To Schedule One of These Courses, Please Call (770) 980-9386 or (800) 510-9286
Our 40 plus years of learning and experience gives us the edge that makes Adar Dental not only innovative but a dominator in the dental laboratory industry.
Our specialties in zirconia restorations and full mouth implant retained zirconia restorations gives patients a superior aesthetic and functional smile of their dreams.
Great Results
Our results are base on our never ending tenacity in improving techniques and standards used in the industry and by combining industry leading technologies with our unparalleled human touch.